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Wines of the World   

This term’s course will introduce six new wine regions, not covered in previous “Wines of the World” offerings. Lectures using PowerPoint and multimedia will cover the geography, climate, soils, history, varietals, labeling, and regulatory structure of each region. We will taste four quality wines from that region and discuss our perceptions. No special background knowledge is required but a passion for wine is recommended.  

NOTE: A class fee will be charged to cover the cost of the premium wines we taste. The fee will be based on the cost of the wines but will not exceed $120 per student. Students are required to pay the full fee, even if they expect to miss some classes. A signed liability waiver is required. 

  • Wines of the World – In-Person
  • Item Number: W25LANG159A
    Dates: 1/29/2025 - 3/7/2025
    Times: 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
    Days: W
    Sessions: 8
    Maximum Enrollment:  22
    Building: Campbell Center
    Room: Room A
    Instructor: Dan Dawson
    Registration for this course is closed. 

    This term’s course will introduce six new wine regions, not covered in previous “Wines of the World” offerings. Lectures using PowerPoint and multimedia will cover the geography, climate, soils, history, varietals, labeling, and regulatory structure of each region. We will taste four quality wines from that region and discuss our perceptions. No special background knowledge is required but a passion for wine is recommended.  

    NOTE: A class fee will be charged to cover the cost of the premium wines we taste. The fee will be based on the cost of the wines but will not exceed $120 per student. Students are required to pay the full fee, even if they expect to miss some classes. A signed liability waiver is required. 


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