This course will be taught in-person and offer a general knowledge of the basics of trusts, wills, powers of attorney, advanced health care directives, the probate process, and trust administration. In addition, it will touch on guardianships and conservatorships as well as some elder law. By the end of the course, students will have a deeper understanding of the law, particularly as it might pertain to their individual legal needs, thus greatly increasing their capacity to make wiser decisions for themselves and their families. Participants come with their own unique situation, and they should think honestly about what their goals are and what they would like to accomplish by the end. Understanding the estate planning process is the most effective way to navigate the direction of their legal needs comfortably, completely, and with a deeper understanding of how their goals align with the law. Students do not need to have any prior knowledge of the topic.
NOTE: There are two in-person sections of this course offered, both on Fridays. The first starts the first week of the term; the second starts the third week of February.