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OLLI at SOU > Catalog/Register > Social Sciences

The Deficit Myth    NEW!

Our Congress regularly gives as reasons to avoid passing important legislation: “How are we going to pay for it?” “Our deficit is out of control, and our kids and grandkids will be paying the price.” “We can't possibly have this social program because there's no money to pay for it.” “We have to balance the budget.” If the Federal budget worked like our own personal budgets those statements would indeed be appropriate. But it doesn’t because the government issues the currency. This course will examine how money works in the light of what is known as Modern Monetary Theory. OLLI members may have heard of MMT in different contexts, the most common being a deliberate misinterpretation: “MMT says deficits don’t matter and you can print as much money as you want with no negative consequences.” We will use the ideas in ‘The Deficit Myth” by Stephanie Kelton to guide our discussion. No prior knowledge is required and it is not necessary to read the book.

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