This fun and active class is designed for pickleball players who understand and play the game. There will be two classes of three hours each at Lithia Park’s four upper courts. The round-robin is a structured form of pickleball play organized by skill level. Players will learn format, partnering, stacking (when and how to), what hand signals mean and when to use them, types of scoring, and byes. Different types of rally scoring will be introduced versus traditional scoring, along with when you may utilize each and why. We will cover the different types of pickleballs and details of timing used in round-robin events. Players will experience the application of the information learned as they participate in the round-robin and connect with their fellow players. We will play a minimum of six games and take a break between games at each class meeting.
NOTE: If you have mobility issues, this class may not be for you. There is a $3 charge for pickleballs payable to the instructor on the first day of class. All participants must sign a waiver on the first day of class. Plan to wear court shoes and a hat or visor and bring a hydrating drink. Protective eyewear is recommended. Class will be canceled if there is inclement weather.