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Social Singing    NEW!

Singing together is one of the more joyful things in life. Come sing in an informal and interactive session, no matter your experience or skill. We’ll sing traditional songs with fine choruses and refrains — sea songs, work songs, drinking songs, love songs, shanties, silly songs, and easy rounds from the U.S., Canada, and England. Chorus tunes will be taught by ear, and all singing will be done acapella. Most chorus words will be provided.
  • Social Singing – In-Person
  • Item Number: W25ARTS318A
    Dates: 2/5/2025 - 3/12/2025
    Times: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
    Days: W
    Sessions: 6
    Maximum Enrollment:  34
    Building: Campbell Center
    Room: Room A
    Instructor: Brooke Friendly
    Registration for this course is closed. 
    Singing together is one of the more joyful things in life. Come sing in an informal and interactive session, no matter your experience or skill. We’ll sing traditional songs with fine choruses and refrains — sea songs, work songs, drinking songs, love songs, shanties, silly songs, and easy rounds from the U.S., Canada, and England. Chorus tunes will be taught by ear, and all singing will be done acapella. Most chorus words will be provided.

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