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Enjoy German!   

This is a previously taught course with new content. This course aims at broadening a student’s vocabulary and understanding of the day-to-day German spoken today. The etymology of certain words will be discussed, and the rules of grammar will be explained on request. This term, we will read the author’s memoirs referring to the events in 1991 and later.
  • Enjoy German! – In-Person
  • Item Number: W25LANG100A
    Dates: 1/8/2025 - 3/12/2025
    Times: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    Days: W
    Sessions: 10
    Maximum Enrollment:  16
    Building: Campbell Center
    Room: Room B
    Instructor: Udo Gorsch-Nies
    Registration for this course is closed. 
    This is a previously taught course with new content. This course aims at broadening a student’s vocabulary and understanding of the day-to-day German spoken today. The etymology of certain words will be discussed, and the rules of grammar will be explained on request. This term, we will read the author’s memoirs referring to the events in 1991 and later.

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