- Life Happens. Now What? Life Transition Skills – Online
Item Number: F24LIFE127
Dates: 10/21/2024 - 11/18/2024
Times: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Days: M
Sessions: 4
Maximum Enrollment: 299
Building: Online
Room: (Zoom)
Instructor: Howard Jay Rubin
Most of us spend half our adult lives going through major life transitions like retirement, marriage, loss of a loved one, divorce, inheritance, career change, empty nest, big health challenges—yet we haven’t been trained in vital skills needed to master (or even manage) these life passages. Change happens quickly, but major life transitions can take years, and the transformation that results from working through them skillfully lasts a lifetime. This course explores how students have handled these significant “life-quakes” in the past and can use them now and in the future as times of reimagining and reinvention. We will explore the four phases of major life transitions both in the research and through personal experience. These challenging passages launch life's next chapter and hold great potential gifts of "post-traumatic growth" while allowing the opportunity to design the ideal next chapter. Emphasis will be on developing the creative skills to flow through major change.
NOTE: Suggested, but not required reading: “The Way of Transitions” by William Bridges and
“Life is in the Transitions” by Bruce Feiler. There is no class on Monday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.
- Peace of Mind When Buying or Selling Your Home – In-Person
Item Number: F24LIFE305A
Dates: 10/23/2024 - 11/20/2024
Times: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Days: W
Sessions: 5
Maximum Enrollment: 34
Building: Campbell Center
Room: Room A
Instructor: Jim Berns
An article in the July 2022 publication of “Psychology Today” states that moving “is a top stressor”! Students of this course looking to buy or sell a home can expect to identify strategies to avoid or minimize those stressors. This course will be a combination of lecture and roundtable discussion and will deal exclusively with residential real estate with an emphasis on owner-occupied homes. We will also discuss “senior living alternatives” such as residential assisted living, continuous care living, and more. Topics to be addressed may be those otherwise “unknown unknowns” and based on other people’s buying and selling experiences along all points of the process. Students need not have any background or experience in buying or selling real estate. The instructor is passionate about making your move as successful and stress-free as much as possible. Other related professionals may be invited in as guest speakers to provide additional information.
- DIY FUNdamental Stock Analysis for Beginners – Online
Item Number: F24LIFE141
Dates: 9/19/2024 - 11/7/2024
Times: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Days: Th
Sessions: 8
Maximum Enrollment: 25
Building: Online
Room: (Zoom)
Instructor: Marcia Couey, Michael Smith
Registration for this course is closed. Learn how to evaluate high-quality growth stocks and whether they are selling at a fair price. We use the same FUNdamental analysis methods as taught by www.betterinvesting.org to over five million investors over the past 72 years. Learn how to form sound judgments, compare values between companies, make wise, strategic portfolio choices, do research online, and document your judgments. We use an internet-based stock analysis tool and various research websites to help us make judgments. Students evaluate a company and practice articulating their judgments during workshops. This class is an activities workshop with 75 minutes per week outside video education and online tools practice. Students must have basic math skills, a Mac running a current OS or PC running Windows 10 or later, and a working printer. Beginners and repeaters are welcome! This class is a pre-requisite for the DIY FUNdamental Stock Analysis—BEYOND Beginners planned for winter term.
NOTE: Maximum benefits will be achieved by attending all eight sessions. Equities discussed are for educational purposes only; no recommendations will be made. No penny stocks, ADRs, ETFs, index funds, bonds, mutual funds, financial advisors, cryptocurrencies, or foreign stocks will be discussed. We do not present alternate portfolio management theories, technical analysis, or other investment strategies.
- Protecting Yourself from Scams – In-Person
Registration for this course is closed. Hardly a day goes by without a suspicious or dubious email or text arriving on our phones. To click or not to click, that’s really the question! How is one to know? This course will review common scams, alert students to warning signs to watch out for, cover issues that increase susceptibility to scams, and will discuss strategies for planning ahead to prevent scam victimization. The course will include lectures, discussions, short videos, and exercises.
- Relocating Outside the US in Retirement – Online (Hybrid)
Item Number: F24LIFE306
Dates: 10/4/2024 - 10/18/2024
Times: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Days: F
Sessions: 3
Maximum Enrollment: 299
Building: Online
Room: (Zoom)
Instructor: Jan McCoy (he/him/his)
Registration for this course is closed. More Americans are retiring outside the US than ever before. Reasons for this may include a lower cost of living, a desire for adventure, or personal convictions. A move this big requires careful planning. We’ll discuss considerations such as visas and long-term stay requirements, healthcare, drivers’ licenses and other bureaucratic issues, and resources available in both deciding and planning. Through open discussion, instructor presentations, and selected web resources, students will learn what is necessary for a long-term relocation outside the US. Using the example of moving to Bulgaria, with a guest speaker also offering insights into the requirements for Mexico, we’ll discuss the issues that are important to consider. Only a level of curiosity is needed in advance of this course. We’ll be using online, rather than print, resources. Students will benefit from some outside investigation of locations to which they will be interested in relocating.
- Relocating Outside the US in Retirement – In-Person (Hybrid)
Item Number: F24LIFE306A
Dates: 10/4/2024 - 10/18/2024
Times: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Days: F
Sessions: 3
Maximum Enrollment: 53
Building: Campbell Center
Room: Room D
Instructor: Jan McCoy (he/him/his)
Registration for this course is closed. More Americans are retiring outside the US than ever before. Reasons for this may include a lower cost of living, a desire for adventure, or personal convictions. A move this big requires careful planning. We’ll discuss considerations such as visas and long-term stay requirements, healthcare, drivers’ licenses and other bureaucratic issues, and resources available in both deciding and planning. Through open discussion, instructor presentations, and selected web resources, students will learn what is necessary for a long-term relocation outside the US. Using the example of moving to Bulgaria, with a guest speaker also offering insights into the requirements for Mexico, we’ll discuss the issues that are important to consider. Only a level of curiosity is needed in advance of this course. We’ll be using online, rather than print, resources. Students will benefit from some outside investigation of locations to which they will be interested in relocating.